Video metadata helps search engines understand the content and context of video files, thus improving their organic performance in search results.
Video metadata includes descriptive details like title, description and tags as well as technical aspects like runtime, file type and size. Furthermore, there may also be administrative aspects like copyright or usage rights to consider when managing digital assets.
Video Metadata Explained
Metadata is the information used to convey the details of digital content, found within every file format and in every file system. Metadata provides computers with an understanding of a file’s structure and context so they can access and process efficiently. Video metadata plays a pivotal role in video content management systems as it makes searching, categorizing, organizing and using videos much simpler for both people and machines alike.
Video metadata provides search engines with information that helps them recognize and index videos. This can include information like title, keywords and description; optimizing this is key to improving video SEO and increasing performance of videos.
Technical video metadata includes information such as video type, camera settings and recording timestamp. Often automatically added by cameras or editing software, but you may also manually add it via video CMSs.
Structural video metadata is an indispensable component of the video content ecosystem, documenting and recording relationships among various assets to ensure they can be found when needed, with dependencies or workflows respected as desired.
Video metadata provides a way of recording and communicating any additional data associated with a video, such as credits lists, product references or production notes. This data can help in searching and tracking video content over time as well as analyzing its performance across various platforms.
Video metadata can also serve to create a canonical reference for video assets across different systems, helping ensure consistency across systems and avoiding duplicative effort that wastes precious resources. Furthermore, metadata can link disparate systems together such as CRM with content management or distribution services services.
Video metadata is an indispensable asset that can help any online video thrive, from making content easier for viewers to access and comprehend, to optimizing its return on investment (ROI).